My Reflection
Bad point of class is that a few people absent this class when we have presentation. I t is not good for other member, because have to changing turn and content. I thought that if you have a presentation, don't absent class and have to cooperation to your member.
Anyway, i really really enjoy this class and power points, because thanks to presentation, i could interchange with my class mates, and i came to be interested making power point.
i god interesting experiences about presentation and making power points.

This season is from 14th February to 8th March, and the fixed number is only 39 peoples. You can get a unit only 2 units. This training has assistance of 10,000 yen as a part of the training expense from 110,000 yen at the maximum, the supporter's association from the excellent University of Foreign Studies per one, but only main specialty language study is best.

There is a lot of fashionable restaurants in Nagoya. I picked up two restaurants.
First this shop’s name is old spaghetti factory. It is a spaghetti restaurant and shape of train to eat place. This atmosphere is metro. It can feels like to travel by train, and being relax at your home. You can totally enjoy an atmosphere different at each table like a theme park appearing. This is an American style restaurant and if you want to eat more main dishes which is spaghetti, bread and pizza. You can eat them for free.
Second restaurant is Hill of bat. The atmosphere of this restaurant, it is not scary. So anyone can enjoy there, and the meal is very good. The main menu is hamburger steak and pasta. So it is popular for children.
There is a lot of foreign restaurants in Japan. So exchange students can enjoy there too.
I will talk about the incident of Oktoberfest in the20 century.
A pipe exploded in a dustbin at the restrooms at the main entrance on September 26, 1980.
13 people died and 200 people got injured, and 68 people of those suffered a serious case. It is said that this case is fault of the terrorist. He doesn’t like this festival. inThe bomb consisted of an empty fire extinguisher filled with 1.39 kilograms of TNT and mortar shells. TNT is chemical compound.
Many drunkards appeared, and there are people suffering from acute alcohol intoxication every year. It is a kind of dangerous festival, but I think that anyone can enjoy it. You should join this party, after becoming 20 years old in Japan, but you can’t join Oktoberfest in German!!

There is ice skating, bowling, sports center in Lotte World.
Thank you.
My favorite Movies

The type of movie: Musical and Dance movie
The date of release: 1 August 2008(Japan)
The director: Matthew Diamond
Writers: Karin Gist , Regina Y.Hicks Julie Brown and Paul Brown
Release Date: 1 August 2008(Japan)
Recommendation: This is a good movie for likes dancing and singing. It has a lot of dance and song in the movie. This is Disney movie, so this English is easy, and this dance and song is very easy. Everyone can do it. Crick on the Internet Movie Database for more information.

Main Actors: Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet
The type of movie: Non fiction love story
The director: James Cameron
Writer: James Cameron
Release date: 20 December 1997(Japan)
Recommendation: This story is real love story. But it is kind of sad story. It is good for study history, and this movie is famous in the world. So I think everyone know this movie. This movie is awesome. Click on the Internet Movie Database for more information.

Main Actor: Jessica Alba
The type of movies: Dance movie
The director: Bille Woodruff
Writers: Alonzo Brown, Kim Watson
Release date: 5 December 2003(USA)
Recommendation: This movie is so good. Because It help children from drug and guilt. So it is kind of study of the word and Dance. And it has Dance show. It has Hip hop, Jazz, and Breaking. Jessica Alba is good dancer. She can do anything. Crick on the Internet Movie Database for more information.